
Tu-torias is an online platform for students to book classes with teachers.

Students can find a teacher for a class and book some time in their agenda. They can even book time without any available teachers, and an admin will try to find some teacher to provide the service.

Teachers can view and respond to student’s class requests and approve or reject as appropriate.

Admins can do everything a teacher can do, and even assign teachers for classes that need one.

Student’s views

Upcoming classes

Booking classes

Booking classes

Booking classes even when no teacher is available

Upcoming classes showing classes without a teacher assigned

Teacher’s views

Calendar view

Business hours

Upcoming classes

Filtering upcoming classes by status

Admin’s views

Calendar View

Monthly reports by student

Monthly reports by teacher




Classes requiring teacher assignment

Assigning teacher to class

Project link: https://www.tu-torias.com.ar

Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink